Synergic Games
Harakiri Updates

The end of the road is near!!!

Update #62

Production status

Once again, we start updating the production status. As you know, the month of February in China is hardly busy, due to the New Year and Lunar Festival festivities. However, we received some additional pictures before the factory closed, and we share them with you so you can see with your own eyes how every day you are closer and closer to having Harakiri: Blades of Honor in your hands.

We are also waiting for confirmation on when all the packaging will be ready to be able to make the freight reservations. We can’t wait!

The world of crowdfunding

During this month, Joel Torres from Synergic Games participated in a debate about the world of crowdfunding along with other publishers in the youtube channel 221B, in which curiosities and opinions about the present and future of the sector are discussed.

We leave you the link in case you want to take a look. 

Esuprunaman’s Corner(XIV)

Hello again, let’s go with the fourteenth installment of this section. As always, your doubts and suggestions are welcome 😊 I hope you like it!

In this case it touches Hiroshi (crossover of Stormsunder) and Demon Kabuki.

For the various desaturated greens: armor, clothes, Hiroshi’s skull, even some ‘whites’: skin and Kabuki prints, I used a mix of: Black, Imperial Blue, Fire Orange and Cold White from Vallejo Game Color.

Mixing two complementary colors (orange and blue) creates a more desaturated color perfect for the areas that we don’t want to stand out so much or to create different shades of white more interesting than pure white.

I hope you liked it and I remind you that you can follow my Harakiri miniatures at: Instagram.

See you next update 😊!

And with this we say goodbye until the next update, in which we hope to already have pictures of the game boxes ready to be shipped. What a thrill :).

Honor to all of you!

Harakiri Updates

Production, production, production

Here we are again with a new update full of content.

In line with the previous update, we are going to focus on informing you about the manufacturing process of the game.

The miniature manufacturing process has already finished, all the miniatures have been manufactured and are inside their inserts. Here we leave you with some pictures that were sent to us a few days ago from the factory:

The washed miniatures are kept in the production line to dissipate the smell of the wash.

Mats, dice trays and sleeves are all finished and awaiting final packaging.

Dice and metal coins are in the final stage.

They have also started printing all the cardboard components (cards, boxes, boards, tokens, etc.).

While Harakiri: Blades of Honor remains our top priority in terms of manufacturing, we have started working on several projects that we are very excited about. The development process of Harakiri: Blades of Honor has provided us with valuable lessons and significant growth, which has strengthened us for future challenges. In the coming months, there will be exciting news about our next project. In the meantime, we will continue to work hard to make sure you enjoy Harakiri to the fullest – stay tuned!

Also, we are pleased to announce that Marta, who has been working at Synergic Games for a year now, will be our project manager from now on and will bring her great experience in the industry to all the new projects that are coming soon. We are sure you will see her soon in more videos.

Hello again, let’s go with the thirteenth installment of this section. As always, your doubts and suggestions are welcome 😊 I hope you like it!

In this case it’s Sedrik, Landolfo II and Nobuyuki, crossovers of Tanares, Black Rose wars: Rebirth and Sankokushin Five Sacrifices respectively.

For Noboyuki’s sword reflections I tried thinning the paint, using the same colors as the armor and skin: Burnt Red, Bloody Red and Sunny Skin Tone from Vallejo Model Color.

For Sedrick’s fur I have mixed many types of blues and purples: Abyssal Turquoise, Electric Blue, Deep Magenta and Jade Green from Vallejo Model Color.

I hope you liked it and I remind you that you can follow my Harakiri miniatures at Instagram.

Until the next update 😊!

Honor to all of you!